Website design for creative coding tool p5.js. The website aggregates p5.js’s documentation, educational resources, community programming, community sketches, and more. The website has additional accessibility features including dark mode, monochrome mode, view alt text, and reduced motion. Visit Site

An interactive digital experience that allows users to see the top trending things to do, eat, listen to, and more in 2022 – in their local area and areas across the US.
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An interactive timeline showcasing an expansive collection of the top Google Search trends of 2021.
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A virtual magazine published by Pioneer Works Art Foundation featuring submissions across the arts, sciences, music, and technology.
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An interactive film that revisits the Google Search trends of 2019.
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A quiz based on Google Search trends that puts your knowledge of 2018 to the test.
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Tyler Yin is an Interactive Designer and Creative Technologist based in Brooklyn, NY. He has designed, prototyped, and developed a wide range of websites and interactive experiences for studios, companies, and clients including SOSO, Google Brand Studio, Both&Yes, Pioneer Works Art Foundation, and Processing Foundation.
Tyler holds a BA in Design | Media Arts from UCLA and has taught in the Parsons Design and Technology program at The New School. His work has been featured in AIGA Eye on Design, It’s Nice That, Design Week, The Webby Awards and The Verge. He is part of the teaching and programming staff at the School for Poetic Computation. He is also a co-founder and organizer for Tiny Tech Zines.
He is available for roles in design & creative technology. Please email tyler.yin@gmail.com for inquiries. To learn more about Tyler's art practice, please visit tyleryin.online.